Virtual Roundtable: Mainstreaming Knowledge on Ageing – “The Protection and Participation of Older Persons in Times of Peace and War”

Last November 21, 2024, as part of the 3rd year of the Virtual Roundtable Series “Mainstreaming Knowledge on Ageing,” the Global Initiative on Ageing (GIA) concluded its 2024 series with the fifth and final event focused on “The Protection and Participation of Older Persons in Times of Peace and War.”

This session aimed to foster a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by older persons during both peaceful and conflict times, while highlighting their potential roles and contributions in diverse contexts.

Key Points:

  • Exploration of mechanisms to ensure the safety, security, and inclusion of older adults during crises and conflict.
  • Emphasis on older persons as active participants in society, contributing to peacebuilding and community resilience.
  • Discussion on the development of context-sensitive frameworks that address the specific needs of older persons.

This final roundtable reflected on the year’s discussions, emphasizing the importance of creating inclusive policies that recognize the rights and capacities of older individuals in all situations.

The event marked the culmination of a meaningful series dedicated to advancing knowledge and advocacy for the aging population, with a focus on fostering a world that values and supports individuals of all ages.




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